All Posts by Adrian Lopresti

About the Author

Dr. Adrian Lopresti is a Clinical Psychologist and researcher in Australia. He is the founder of Personalised Integrative (PI) Therapy, a treatment program for depression and anxiety that incorporates dietary, psychological, lifestyle, social, spiritual and medical strategies to improve both mental and physical wellbeing. Dr. Lopresti has published over 40 articles and chapters on integrative treatments for mental health problems and has completed several studies into natural supplements such as curcumin, saffron, and ashwagandha to enhance mental well-being.

Sep 17

Causes of insomnia and other sleep disorders

Causes of insomnia and other sleep disorders To improve sleep it is important to identify the causes of insomnia and other sleep disorders. There is a range of causes and these are detailed below, along with some of the consequences of poor sleep. According to the international classification of sleep disorders, sleep disturbances and in […]

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Sep 11

How Magnesium May Improve Mood

How Magnesium May Improve Mood Our gut flora (also known as intestinal microbiota or probiotics) has many essential roles in the body. Imbalances in our gut flora are associated with ill health and many diseases. It is estimated that we have over 100 trillion bacteria in our gut, weighing more than one kilogram. In fact, our […]

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Sep 10

5 Common Causes of Depression

5 Common Causes of Depression Depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders are associated with disturbances in several biological processes in the body. These are summarised in the figure above and include:1. Neurotransmitter imbalances2. Dysregulated stress response3. Chronic, low-grade inflammation4. Excess free radical damage5. Neuroprogression Each of these processes all affects each other which can lead to […]

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Sep 05

7 Blood Tests You Must Get If You Suffer From Depression

7 Blood Tests You Must Get If You Suffer From Depression When people present with symptoms of depression, two treatments are most commonly recommended. These include psychological therapies (e.g., cognitive behaviour therapy) or antidepressant medication. These treatments are based on the theory that depression is caused by psychological factors (e.g., irrational beliefs, ineffective copings skills) […]

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Aug 26

Natural Remedies for OCD

Natural remedies for OCD The most common treatments for obsessive-compulsive disorder include cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) or medication. This page discusses some natural remedies for OCD that have some support in clinical studies and/or have good theoretical backing. These natural remedies include inositol; 5-HTP; St John’s wort; N-acetylcysteine; omega-3. N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Current […]

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Aug 10

Schizophrenia and Microbiota

Schizophrenia and Microbiota

Schizophrenia and Microbiota Schizophrenia is a condition that results in significant mental health disruption, characterised by delusions beliefs, hallucinations, cognitive deficits, and mood disturbances. It is estimated to affect approximately 1 percent of the population. The likely causes and contributing factors associated with schizophrenia include genetics, early development stressors and trauma, substance abuse, poor lifestyle […]

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Aug 02

Anorexia and Inflammation

Anorexia and Inflammation

The Relationship Between Inflammation and Anorexia Anorexia nervosa affects less than 1% of the Australian population and over half of the sufferers have a co-morbid mental health condition, most commonly depression and/ or anxiety. Furthermore, the rate of mortality of people suffering from anorexia nervosa is up to 5 times that of the general population […]

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May 03

Video: Integrative Treatment for Depression and Anxiety

VIDEO: Integrative Treatment for Depression and Anxiety In this short video, we provide a brief explanation of PI Therapy and how it works to treat depression and anxiety. PI Therapy incorporates multiple, research-driven strategies to help improve depression and anxiety. By making several small-to-medium changes that might be contributing to someone’s depressive or anxious symptoms, […]

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Apr 26

Music For Depression

Can Music Help Depression? For most of us, music can help lift our mood and can promote a sense of general wellbeing. As a result, the effects of music as a treatment for depression has been investigated in several studies. Overall, these studies have confirmed that when combined with other psychological therapies, music and reduce symptoms […]

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Apr 26

The relationship between vitamin D and depression

The Relationship Between Vitamin D and Depression Although further research on the relationship between vitamin D and depression is required, there are now a number of studies showing that vitamin D is important for both the prevention and treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), anxiety disorders and schizophrenia. A selection of […]

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