Category Archives for "Lifestyle"

Jul 10

Mobile phone apps to reduce obsessive and negative thoughts

Mobile phone apps to reduce obsessive and negative thoughts There is an increasing array of phone applications that are designed to help improve our health. Common ones include apps that help increase physical activity or support healthy food choices. There is also a large range of apps that are designed to help us relax. Some […]

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Jun 23

Anti-inflammatory treatments for psychiatric disorders: Are medications the only answer?

Anti-inflammatory treatments for psychiatric disorders: Are medications the only answer? I have just read an article written by Professor Norbert Müller and published in the journal Frontiers in Psychiatry, titled ‘COX-2 Inhibitors, Aspirin, and Other Potential Anti-Inflammatory Treatments for Psychiatric Disorders’ [1].   In the article, research on the anti-inflammatory drugs, celecoxib (a COX-2 inhibitor) […]

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Jun 03

Stress alters the gut microbiota: implications for depression, anxiety, and neuroinflammation

Stress alters the gut microbiota: implications for depression, anxiety, and neuroinflammation Researchers and health-care practitioners are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of the relationship between the gut and brain for both mental and physical health. There is increasing evidence to suggest there are alterations in the intestinal microbiota (gut bacteria) in people with depression, […]

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May 22

Probiotic administration may reduce relapse rates in people with bipolar disorder

Probiotic administration may reduce relapse rates in people with bipolar disorder Bipolar disorder is a condition characterised by periods of depression and mania. During depressive periods people experience low mood, reduced pleasure in activities, low energy, distributed sleep, reduced appetite, and often suicidal thoughts. In contrast to these depressive periods, mania is characterised by increased […]

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Apr 17

Music: a simple intervention to improve mental and physical health

Music: a simple intervention to improve mental and physical health Music is an integral part of our society. It is a multi-billion-dollar industry and according to a report released by Nielsen Music, on average, Americans spend around 32 hours a week listening to music. Music has been used for centuries as a form of celebration […]

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Mar 31

Poor sleep quality can reduce magnesium levels

Poor sleep quality can reduce magnesium levels Sleep problems including insomnia are frequently experienced by people of all ages. In fact, it is estimated that up to one-third of people experience sleep problems. This is a significant concern as poor sleep affects work and academic performance and is associated with an increased risk of most […]

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Mar 25

Integrative Treatments for Depression: A review of the evidence

Integrative Treatments for Depression: A Review of the Evidence The most popular treatments for depression include psychological and pharmacological treatments. In terms of psychological therapies, the most commonly-used form is cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) while the most popular antidepressants are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as Prozac® (fluoxetine), Zoloft® (sertraline) and Lexapro® (escitalopram). While […]

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Mar 21

4 Nutrients Depleted During Times of High Stress

4 Nutrients Depleted During Times of High Stress Stress is our body’s response to a threat or demand. Stress can be physical and/or emotional and can last from seconds to sometimes years. When stress occurs for a short period it is referred to as ‘acute stress’ and when it occurs for a longer period it […]

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Jan 24

The essential relationship between sleep and inflammation

The Essential Relationship Between Sleep and Inflammation Excess inflammation is associated with many medical diseases such as cardiovascular disease, autoimmune diseases, metabolic disorders, and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. Research also confirms an association between inflammation and most mental health conditions such as depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. There is accumulating evidence demonstrating a […]

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Jan 02

Non-Pharmacological Sleep Interventions Can Effectively Treat Depression

Non-Pharmacological Sleep Interventions Can Effectively Treat Depression Sleep problems are common in people with depression. It is estimated that up to 80% of adults with depression suffer from insomnia or other sleep-related condition. Suffering from insomnia (with and without depression) can lead to an increased risk of several physical and mental health conditions. In fact, […]

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