Environmental, physical, psychological, and nutritional causes of depression

To adequately treat depression, it is important to identify what causes depression. There are several causes of depression including biological, psychological, lifestyle, environmental, and nutritional factors. Some of these are well-recognised by mental-health practitioners, while others are often overlooked and without adequate treatment will greatly influence the level of recovery a depressed person achieves. All these causes must be adequately assessed and treated for optimal recovery to be achieved.

Although not exhaustive, below lists some of the common causes:

Medical/Physical Causes

  • Neurotransmitter imbalances (brain chemicals important for mood)
  • Thyroid problems
  • Adrenal problems
  • Chronic Inflammation/ Excessive Immune Response
  • Chronic medical illnesses e.g., heart disease, diabetes, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, coeliac disease
  • Hormone imbalances i.e., oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone
  • Menopause
  • Digestive disturbances
  • Allergies and environmental sensitivities
  • Metal toxicity
  • Chronic pain

Genetic Causes

  • Personality style e.g., worrier, perfectionist, sensitive to criticism, unassertive, self-critical, shy, socially anxious.
  • Family (inherited) disposition
  • Genetic abnormalities that may impact on neurotransmitter production and other biochemical processes.

Lifestyle Factors

  • Work Dissatisfaction
  • Drug and alcohol use
  • Sleep problems
  • Lack of physical activity/ exercise
  • Excessive workloads/ high-stress lifestyles
  • Side effects from medications
  • Smoking or quitting smoking

Life Stressors

  • Family and interpersonal conflict
  • Recent losses and disappointments
  • Past traumatic experiences
  • Lack of social support
  • Financial difficulties
  • Life transitions e.g., school moves, parenthood, marriage, retirement, relocation, children leaving home.

Nutritional Causes

  • Chronic or excessive dieting
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Poor diet e.g., high sugar, low fruit and vegetables, high saturated fats
  • Essential fatty acid deficiencies
  • Vitamin & mineral imbalances – zinc deficiency, iron deficiency, vitamin D deficiency
  • Food allergies and additive sensitivities

As you can see from the list above, there are a number of causes of depression, and it certainly isn’t just the result of low serotonin or childhood trauma.

If you are suffering from depression and have sought treatment in the past, without experiencing full recovery, then it is important to review this list of ‘what causes depression’. Are there any causes that you think may relate to you that may have been overlooked or poorly treated?

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