Dec 27

Important factors associated with a full recovery from depression

Although there are effective treatments for depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders, research confirms that a significant portion of people continue to suffer from ongoing symptoms. In relation to depression, the bulk of research suggests that approximately 30% of people experience full remission after psychological/ pharmacological treatment, another 30% experience partial improvement, and a remaining 40% experience no improvement. It is therefore important we develop more effective treatments to help people fully recover from depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders. One potential way to do this is to develop integrative treatments that target all the potential factors that can affect mental health including; psychology and coping skills; lifestyle and environmental factors; social and spiritual health; diet and nutrition; and biological/medical factors. This is the key principle to PI Therapy.

In this interesting study [1], researchers investigated factors associated with complete mental health recovery among 2,500 adults with a history of depression. Complete mental health was defined as:

  1. the absence of mental illness, substance abuse, or suicidal ideation in the past year
  2. happiness or life satisfaction almost every day over the past month, and
  3. social and psychological well-being.

They found that 39% of these individuals achieved complete mental health. After analysing characteristics in these ‘mentally healthy’, recovered individuals they found that complete mental health was more likely in adults who were:

  • female
  • white
  • older
  • affluent
  • married, with a confidant
  • free of disabling pain, insomnia, and childhood adversities
  • without a history of substance abuse
  • more likely to exercise
  • more likely to use spirituality to cope

Although there are some characteristics cited above that we cannot change, there are certainly some that are modifiable. These include having good social supports, good sleep, avoiding alcohol and other drugs, increasing physical activity, and enhancing spirituality (faith-based or otherwise).

As you can see the results of this study support the integrative principles of PI Therapy. If we add improving diet, identifying and managing medical conditions, and improving other lifestyle and environmental influences, recovery rates may be even greater.


  1. Fuller-Thomson E, et al. Flourishing after depression: Factors associated with achieving complete mental health among those with a history of depression. Psychiatry Res. 2016 Aug 30;242:111-120.