Scientific Proof the Integrative Approach Works

A study conducted several years ago and published in the Journal of Affective Disorders found that using just a few integrative strategies can significantly improve treatment outcomes for depressed patients compared to a control group. [1]

The intervention group incorporated the following 4 simple strategies into his or her lifestyle:

  • Improved sleeping habits (ie. going to bed before 11pm, only using the bed for sleep, avoiding naps during the day, don’t sleep in beyond 9am)
  • Performed at least 1 hour of walking each day
  • Exposed to sunlight for at least 2 hours per day (however, precautions were taken to avoid sunburn or sunstroke)
  • Improved dietary habits (ie. regular meals, no snacks, minimise ‘junk foods’, ate fish 3 times per week, ate more fruit, vegetables, nuts, and cereals

The control group were recommended to sleep as much as they needed, perform as much physical activity as they needed, take precautions to avoid sunburn or sunstroke, eat a healthy, balanced diet.

The results of the study were as follows:


After 6 months, the active group had 13 participants out of 40 who had reduced is or her HAM-D scores by greater than 50% from the baseline level, while the control group only had 3.

Furthermore, the active group had 11 participants out of 40 who achieved complete remission (HAM-D score of less than 7) of his or her depression, while the control group only had 1.

Another interesting result from this study was that 8 participants in the active group were able to reduce the dosage of his or her medication, while the control group only had 3.

Overall, the results of this study certainly reinforce the efficacy of the integrative treatment approach, even when only a few strategies are used.

Just imagine what could be achieved if several strategies are incorporated into a person’s lifestyle!

That is what makes PI Therapy so effective! 

If you are a mental health practitioner and would like to discover a range of integrative strategies to offer your clients, then make sure you don’t miss the 2-day PI Therapy Workshops. CLICK HERE to find out more.

If you are interested in using PI Therapy to enhance your personal mental wellbeing, CLICK HERE to find out more.


  1. Garcia-Toro, M. Metabolic syndrome improvement in depression six months after prescribing simple hygienic-dietary recommendations. BMC Res Notes. 2014 Jun 5;7:339.

