Category Archives for "Lifestyle"

Dec 27

Important factors associated with a full recovery from depression

Important factors associated with a full recovery from depression Although there are effective treatments for depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders, research confirms that a significant portion of people continue to suffer from ongoing symptoms. In relation to depression, the bulk of research suggests that approximately 30% of people experience full remission after psychological/ pharmacological treatment, […]

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Dec 24

Childhood adversity and inflammation

The effects of childhood adversity on inflammation in depressed adults Increased inflammation is consistently seen in adults with depression. In this study, published in Frontiers in Psychiatry, the effect of adverse childhood experiences (ACE) on inflammation was examined[1]. Levels of inflammatory markers (e.g, interleukin-6, c-reactive protein, and white blood cell count) were compared between: adults […]

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Nov 14

Are You Always Stressed?

Are You Always Stressed?

Are You Always Stressed? In today’s society, overflowing with regular demands and pressures, stress is commonplace. While stress can be helpful (termed eustress), if it is too high or remains elevated for too long it can have detrimental effects throughout the whole body. Excess stress levels can damage every part of the body including the […]

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Nov 01

The Effects of Sleep Deprivation

The Effects of Sleep Deprivation We all know the feeling of sleep deprivation. We feel groggy, unproductive, and often irritable. While these symptoms can quickly disappear following a good night’s sleep, if we suffer from insomnia or other sleep disorder, it can have detrimental effects on our health and wellbeing. Here are five areas that […]

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Sep 17

Causes of insomnia and other sleep disorders

Causes of insomnia and other sleep disorders To improve sleep it is important to identify the causes of insomnia and other sleep disorders. There is a range of causes and these are detailed below, along with some of the consequences of poor sleep. According to the international classification of sleep disorders, sleep disturbances and in […]

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Apr 26

Music For Depression

Can Music Help Depression? For most of us, music can help lift our mood and can promote a sense of general wellbeing. As a result, the effects of music as a treatment for depression has been investigated in several studies. Overall, these studies have confirmed that when combined with other psychological therapies, music and reduce symptoms […]

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Feb 28

The Importance of Sleep For Mental Health Recovery

The Importance of Sleep For Mental Health Recovery How we sleep can have a significant effect on both our mental and physical health. In relation to depression and anxiety, our sleep quality can have a profound effect on our likelihood of recovery. If you do not currently suffer from a mental health condition, research shows […]

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