Jul 10

Mobile phone apps to reduce obsessive and negative thoughts

There is an increasing array of phone applications that are designed to help improve our health. Common ones include apps that help increase physical activity or support healthy food choices. There is also a large range of apps that are designed to help us relax. Some of these include Smiling Mind, Headspace, Breathe2Relax, and Calm.

In this interesting study [1], the effects of a cognitive training phone application to challenge Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)-related beliefs was evaluated. This mobile app training exercise involves users pulling statements that challenge OCD beliefs downwards and unhelpful OCD statements upwards.

Participants were instructed to complete 3 minutes of daily training for 15 days. The researchers found that using this app was associated with a significant reduction in OCD symptoms and OCD-beliefs.

If you experience obsessive beliefs/worries, it may be worth using this simple mobile phone app. It can be downloaded for free on iTunes or Google Play. The app is called OCD Daily Exercise by GG (GGOC).

Other free apps with a similar format include GG Relationship Doubt & Obsessions (ROCD) and Improve Confidence & Self Esteem (GGSE). Using these may help you to challenge/reduce negative thoughts or beliefs that can trigger a low mood and/or anxiety

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  1. Roncero M, et al. A novel approach to challenging OCD related beliefs using a mobile-app: An exploratory study. J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry. 2018 Jun;59:157-160. link to the article